It was a cold evening...

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Day 2: Favorite Animal and Something I feel strongly about.

I know I have lots of cats and they are my favorite animal in the whole world but I thought I could draw something else so I drew a cow. I love cows. so here is my cow. 

Something I feel strongly about. Let's see  It would probably be racism we are all the same inside and interesting somehow and i think no one is allowed to judge because of that or tell you they are better.

Not very long but I am not  having a very good day. Being in a foreign country is starting to get to me. After a few months, I miss my country more and more. I love it here i mean it's beautiful it's safe people are nice, but some of us are not meant to leave our country like me. I am meant to be one of those that complain about how dangerous the streets are but I still go out like crazy. I know Guatemala is horribly dangerous and the economy is bad.but I love it I think the people are beautiful the places are. :(
I am a bit homesick. Am sorry


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